From the course: InDesign Secrets

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209 Creating a keyboard shortcut for the [None] character style

209 Creating a keyboard shortcut for the [None] character style - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

209 Creating a keyboard shortcut for the [None] character style

- A lot of people who work with many paragraph styles and character styles like to assign keyboard shortcuts to the styles so that if I'm... Let me zoom into a paragraph here. If I want to apply styles here, or look at the styles when I open up the paragraph-styles panel, I don't have to scroll through all this. I could actually just create a keyboard shortcut, so here under paragraph copy without drop cap I could edit this, right clicking and choosing edit, and then I can enter a shortcut here. Now there is only one style that's built into InDesign where you cannot create a keyboard shortcut for, and that is the character-styles panel, none. See the pencil with the slash through it? That means that it's ineditable. If I right click on it, I don't get a chance to edit it, like if I right clicked on quote front you see a different menu entirely. Now why would you ever want to assign a keyboard shortcut to none? Because it's very useful to use, and instead having to open up the…
