From the course: InDesign Secrets

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191 Deciding between reflowable and fixed-layout EPUB

191 Deciding between reflowable and fixed-layout EPUB - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

191 Deciding between reflowable and fixed-layout EPUB

- Let's say that you want to turn your publication into an eBook and then upload it and sell it and distribute it with one of the big eBook resellers like Apple's iBook Store or Amazon's Kindle Store, Barnes & Noble, Kobo. What format should you choose? We didn't used to have this option. Until InDesign CC, the 2014 edition, the only way that you could create an EPUB right out of InDesign was to choose File, Export and choose the one option called EPUB and that would create a reflowable EPUB. But now we have this additional option of creating a fixed layout EPUB. The question is, with every publication that you create, which format should you choose? I want to talk about some of these options in this video and some of the pros and cons of each format. In general, you want to choose a reflowable EPUB when your document is text heavy. Here, we have Alice's Adventures in Wonderland laid out in InDesign. This is definitely text heavy. You may have some images, like the rabbit here, and we…
