From the course: InDesign Secrets

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186 Making long shadows

186 Making long shadows - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

186 Making long shadows

- This is a really trendy effect called a long shadow. It's different than a normal InDesign drop shadow, which is soft-edged. This one is flat, which some designers like, and it extends diagonally for a long distance. I'm gonna show you how you can make these directly in InDesign, and then I'm going to show you a shortcut that results in an even better effect, but does some of the work in Illustrator. First, the InDesign method. I'm gonna zoom back and grab this other frame down here and zoom back in with a Command two or a Control two on Windows. That's just the letter S in a text frame. To make my shadow, I'm first going to clone it, that is, go to the Edit menu and copy it, and then go back to the Edit menu and choose Paste in Place. That makes an exact duplicate right on top of the other. Then, I'll go to the Type menu, and choose Create Outlines. It looks like text, of course, but I can see the outline by pressing the A key on my keyboard, which selects the Direct Selection…
