From the course: InDesign Secrets

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119 Making alternative body text styles for fast typesetting

119 Making alternative body text styles for fast typesetting - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

119 Making alternative body text styles for fast typesetting

Were looking at a paragraph from a document that has something wrong with it for many people. For me it dosent bother me. But it bothers a lot of my clients and a lot of publications that I've worked with. And that is the fact that this paragraph has a very short last line. You may encounter this, and you would probably want to fix this by using soft returns or tracking the whole thing in. And those are two of the worst ways you can fix this problem. Only because it's a lot of manual work, and you're completely ignoring InDesign's powerful typesetting engine. Instead, let me urge you to create a few different variations of styles that would either tighten up the paragraph of loosen it up enough, or change the number of hyphens in a row. For example, I've created a few that we can take a look at If we click inside here, we can see this is body. And I've added, by the way, this frame containing line numbers, just so we can see what happens when I apply a different style. So I have a…
