From the course: InDesign Secrets

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113 Adding Tool Tips to your form fields in InDesign

113 Adding Tool Tips to your form fields in InDesign - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

113 Adding Tool Tips to your form fields in InDesign

Let me show you a way that you can make the forms that you create in InDesign to be much more usable to your end users, to your audience, who are filling out that form in Reader. Here we have, a schedule a campus tour form in InDesign, and I've already created all of my form fields. So if I open up Buttons and Forms, and I double click here, here's one form field, a text field called name two, and here's one for email address. We have some checkboxes, a drop down menu for the year that they interned, and so on. Let's go ahead and export this to PDF form. I'm pressing Cmd or Ctrl + E. We want an interactive PDF form, and we'll just accept all these defaults. Click OK, and it opens up really big! Let me change to fit in window with Cmd or Ctrl + 0. Say that I'm filling this out. If I hover over this field I guess I could understand Name and then I start typing my name and the same thing for e-mail address. But what am I supposed to do here? You know, this is a little confusing and how…
