From the course: InDesign Secrets

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111 Packaging images on the pasteboard

111 Packaging images on the pasteboard - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

111 Packaging images on the pasteboard

There's a little known glitch that occurs when you package an InDesign file, and that is it will not package any linked objects, like images, that are on the Pasteboard. So here, in this book, I'm scrolling down to page four and five, and you can see that, you know, I'm experimenting with what images I'm going to place in here, and now I need to package it up to send it to myself that I'm going to work on from another location Or just send it to a freelancer. If you look in the Links panel, you'll see that these three images on the paste board to say PB. Then go to File > Package. Look up here, where it says Links and Images, we're not worried about the exclamation point. That's just concern because they're using RGB. But we're looking at the total number of links. It says six links found. But here you can see there are nine links. If we go ahead and package it anyway, and we'll just stick it out on the desktop. If I jump to the finder and look at that package folder, under links…
