From the course: InDesign Secrets

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106 Customize your QR codes

106 Customize your QR codes - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

106 Customize your QR codes

One of the problems with any written language like English is that you can't put very much of it in a small space without it getting all jumbled up and difficult to read. That's why they say a picture is worth a 1000 words, but pictures are not very good at relating precise information, like a long email address. Fortunately, InDesign lets you create QR codes. A kind of barcode which lets you encode a lot of precise information in, well, a picture. To make a QR code in InDesign, simply head up to the Object menu and choose Generate QR Code. Next, choose what type of QR code you're trying to create, here in the type popup menu. You could choose a web hyperlink like a URL, or just type some plain text, a text message that actually sends a message like a SMS message in your cell phone, send an email, or encode an entire business card. But in this case, we're going to stick with a web hyperlink. And I'm gonnna to type, http://. Or, I'll just type There we go. Click OK, and…
