From the course: InDesign Secrets

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101 Converting footnotes to endnotes with a free script

101 Converting footnotes to endnotes with a free script - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

101 Converting footnotes to endnotes with a free script

InDesign does footnotes very well. Here I'm looking at a book where we have a number of footnotes. There is one there. There's a long one there and a short one there. And if you add a footnote in the middle of a story, it'll automatically increment all the numbers. Really great. Right here, under Type Menu, Insert Footnotes. But if you want to do end notes, like say at the end of this chapter. If we'd rather have a section called notes, with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. InDesign doesn't do that. So, what is the solution for the intrepid InDesign user? What I do is I use a free script. By our friend Peter Carl who just does incredible work with all sorts of free scripts for InDesign. You hear us talking about it all the time on InDesign Secrets. And this script is called, believe it or not, convert footnotes to endnotes. It's got a little bit of explanation here. I'm going to show you how it works in this video. To get the script, go to this URL. And to download it, right click and choose Save Link…
