From the course: InDesign Secrets

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087 Exporting a grayscale PDF

087 Exporting a grayscale PDF - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

087 Exporting a grayscale PDF

InDesign users have a long wanted a way to get a gray-scale PDF out of InDesign. One with no color at all. And in InDesign CS6, Adobe finally lets you do this, right out of the box. Now I'm going to show you how that works, but first I'm going to show you how to do it if you're still in InDesign CS5 or earlier. First you need a PDF. So I'll go to the File Menu and choose Export PDF. I'll save this to my desktop, and I'm going to choose PDF/X-1a. It almost doesn't matter which you choose, but in this case I'm going to start with PDF/X-1a. When I click Export, InDesign saves the PDF to disk, and then opens that in Acrobat. Acrobat is where we're going to do the conversion to grayscale. In Acrobat 10, we're going to use the Tools pane. So I'll click on that, and then open up the Print Production pane. Here, I use Convert Colors, and the Convert Colors dialog box is rather overwhelming, let me show you what you need to pay attention to. The main thing you need to do is tell Acrobat to…
