From the course: InDesign Secrets

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083 Formatting prices with nested and grep styles

083 Formatting prices with nested and grep styles - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

083 Formatting prices with nested and grep styles

Nobody likes formatting prices. You know turning this into this. Woah. How did I do that with just one click? Well I applied a paragraph style of course but how did the paragraph style apply all that different formatting. First I'll undo this by pressing Cmd or Ctrl+Z. The trick is making character styles, and I have three different character styles in this document. One for my dollar sign, one for the cents, and one for this period. That dot disappears because I applied the character style called disappear. And I made that disappear character style in a clever way. Let's go ahead and choose Style options here, and we'll look. All this is doing is, it's changing the size to one point, and it's changing the color to none. So it's really teeny and it doesn't show up at all because it has no color. Apply that to the dot. And it completely disappears. Of course it would be really tedious to have to apply those character styles, on at a time, for every price, so instead, I can embed them…
