From the course: InDesign Secrets

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074 Running text along the top and the bottom of a circle

074 Running text along the top and the bottom of a circle - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

074 Running text along the top and the bottom of a circle

I'd like to put this text around this circle. This circle is a graphic, so I can't put text around it. I need to have a frame, and everybody knows you can make a circular frame in InDesign simply by choosing the Pencil Tool and drawing one. No, I am kidding of course, that's ridiculous. I am going to delete that. If you want a circular frame, you want to choose one of the Elliptical Frame Tools out here in the Tool panel and then hold down the Shift key while you drag. I'll Shift-drag out here. By holding down the Shift key, you get a perfect circle, there we go. Then I can move it into position just by pressing the arrow keys on the keyboard. That looks pretty good. Let's go ahead and put the first bit of text on. I'll select this text, and I'll cut it to the clipboard. Then I am going to switch to the Type on a Path Tool, which is Shift+T, or select here from the Tool Panel and then I'm going to click on the very bottom of this circle, right in the middle on the bottom. Now, I press…
