From the course: InDesign Secrets

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067 Using Gravity to simulate perspective

067 Using Gravity to simulate perspective - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

067 Using Gravity to simulate perspective

InDesign lets you transform text and objects in a variety of ways including scaling, rotating, and skewing them, but there's no way to apply the effect of perspective to an object, like making this text appear like it's on a plane extending into the distance. And Illustrator can do it, but not InDesign, but InDesign does offer a way that you can kind of fake it, especially if you want to affect text. Let me show you. To apply a fake perspective effect, I need to put my text on a path. So I am going to grab my Pen tool and I'm going to click, then Shift+Click and then, this is the weird part, click again. So I get kind of a pseudo- triangle effect going on here. Now I will select my Type tool, grab all that text with a Command+A or Ctrl+A, cut it, switch to the type on a Path tool and click on my path. Finally, I'll paste with a Command+V or Ctrl+V. It's the same text but it's on a path now, and that allows me to apply a pseudo-perspective effect. To get the perspective, I will switch…
