From the course: InDesign Secrets

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048 Fixing last lines that are too short

048 Fixing last lines that are too short - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

048 Fixing last lines that are too short

If you're a careful typesetter, one thing that really drives you buggy are runts, and runts are distinguished from widows and orphans because what they refer to is a short, final line in a paragraph. Well, I guess you'd call it a too short final line. Obviously, there's always going to be a short final line in a paragraph whether it's fully justified like this or left-justified. This--it really depends on your taste and your house style, but that this might be considered too short. Even though it's two words, it's very short; two small words, or even a single full word that is the last bit as often considered a runt by some people. And this is almost always considered a runt which is a hyphenated, like a half of a word, as the last line of a paragraph. All right! So that's what we mean by runts. Widows and orphans are like the one single entire line of a paragraph that falls by itself at the bottom or the top of a column. So what are some ways that we can use to stop the runts to…
