From the course: InDesign Secrets

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042 Using single-cell table cells for custom paragraph formatting

042 Using single-cell table cells for custom paragraph formatting - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

042 Using single-cell table cells for custom paragraph formatting

One of the most requested features in InDesign is the ability to put a colored box around or behind a paragraph. You can't really do it yet but there are some good ways to fake it, and my favorite technique is called the one-celled table. Let me show you how it works. I'm going to zoom in on this text here, because I want to put a colored box behind this paragraph. To do that, I need to switch to the Type tool, press the T key, and then select the paragraph. Note that I'm selecting the paragraph, but not the invisible carriage return at the end. I can see that carriage return there, that little invisible character, because I've turned on the hidden characters at the bottom of the Type menu. Without that turned on, it's really hard to tell where the paragraph really ends. Now that I've selected the paragraph, I'm going to come up to the Table menu and choose Convert Text to Table. It's going to turn this one paragraph into a one-celled table. I'm going to the leave the column and row…
