From the course: InDesign Secrets

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039 Moving master page items to the top layer for visibility

039 Moving master page items to the top layer for visibility - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

039 Moving master page items to the top layer for visibility

If you look at this document, you'll see that at the bottom of each page, there's a little page number and a header or footer or whatever you want to call it, that has the name of the section that we're currently reading. Let's go to the next page or the next spread by pressing Alt+Page Down or Option+Page Down on Windows. And we can see that over here on the left, there is the page number and the footer and over here on the right, there is nothing. This is a real problem. Well we can tell that it's behind this green frame. So I'll go ahead and select that frame and we're going to try and send it to the back, by going to the Object menu, choosing Arrange and choosing Send to Back. But it's grayed out. Why? Because it's already at the back of this layer. The answer is it's a master page item and it's on the wrong layer. Let's go take a look. First I'm going to the master page by opening the Pages panel and I'll double-click on my Master page A, so we can get to that. Then I'm going to…
