From the course: InDesign Secrets

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038 Creating electronic sticky notes

038 Creating electronic sticky notes - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

038 Creating electronic sticky notes

Okay in this movie, I'm going to show you --oh, actually hold on just one second, I have to write a note to Anne-Marie here in this file that we're working on, before I go on here. I could use the Notes panel, of course, to write a little note to her, but that only adds notes inside of a text story and it's really subtle. She might not see the note when she opens the file. Let me show you a couple of other ways that I could add notes. I could go to the File menu and go down to a Document Setup, and I want to change the slug amount. Now the Slug doesn't show up here, because to get that I need to turn on More Options. So I'll turn More Options on. There's my Slug amount and I'm going to say I want a slug at the top for maybe just 1 inch. Click OK, and you can see that it adds this blue line up here. Now this is a good area to add notes to people, especially if you want those notes to print out. It's also a great way to add things like the name of the file, or other stuff, for example…
