From the course: InDesign Secrets

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018 Preview and Presentation modes (changing color etc.)

018 Preview and Presentation modes (changing color etc.) - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

018 Preview and Presentation modes (changing color etc.)

David Blatner: All these guides and frame edges and stuff are great when you're working, but they're distracting when you just want to see the design. After all you wouldn't want to show this to your client or art director, right? Fortunately InDesign has two other display modes that let you hide all that stuff and focus on the design itself. You can find those at the bottom of the Tool panel at this little flyout menu that when you click on, you see Normal, Preview, Bleed, Slug and Presentation. Bleed and Slug are pretty much the same as Preview. They just show you stuff that's in the bleed guides or within the slug guides. I don't find those very useful at all. So I am going to focus on Preview mode and Presentation mode. Preview mode hides everything that's nonprinting. The guides disappear, the edges of frames disappear, anything that's hanging off onto the pasteboard disappears. We can focus just on the design itself. So this is a terrific thing. Now there is a shortcut for going…
