From the course: InDesign Secrets

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012 Three cool GREP styles everyone can use

012 Three cool GREP styles everyone can use - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

012 Three cool GREP styles everyone can use

Anne-Marie Concepcion: One of the most powerful and underutilized features of Adobe InDesign is GREP styles. I want to show you three cool GREP styles that everyone can do. This is really cool stuff. Let me show you. For example, you may have seen the word grep in Find Change, which it's been around in Find Change since I think CS2 or CS3, and GREP Find Change lets you find text based on a pattern. So instead of just a straight text you can actually say find any digits that's repeated a bunch of times or that you know falls at the beginning or end of a paragraph that kind of thing. And with the GREP Find Change you cannot just find text based on that matching pattern, but then you can change it. You can add characters before or after, you can flip around parts of it, like you can changed cents to dollars or put the last name in front of a first name, and of course you can find based on format or change the format of found text. So that kind of GREP is slightly different than what I…
