From the course: InDesign and InCopy: Collaborative Workflows

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Working with tables

Working with tables

Working with tables in InCopy is very similar to working with tables in Microsoft Word, except that InCopy also offers things like table styles and cell styles to help keep your format consistent. Just as with paragraph and character styles, the designer is the one who creates the table styles and all you can do is apply them. But I would say that probably 80% of the time you're not working with table or cell styles at all; you're just creating tables on the fly. The rules of working with tables are first of all, tables are inserted in text frames, which means that you need to be able to checkout the text frame, which I have done here on the last page of this hansel&petal catalog. We actually have two tables here. Let's zoom in a little bit more with Command+Plus or Ctrl+Plus and now Option+drag or Alt+drag this over, pan the view. We have two tables one right next to the other and in this text frame, we have a table that's currently two rows by two columns, and then this though it…
