From the course: InDesign and InCopy: Collaborative Workflows

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Applying local character formatting

Applying local character formatting

Now sometimes, you won't have a paragraph style or a character style available to you, but you need to change some of the formatting, and in those instances what you are going to be doing is going into the Character panel or the Paragraph panel. In this video we are going to talk about the Character panel about local formatting for individual characters. So I have checked out a bunch of stories in this document and I'm going to zoom into this story at the very top, with Command+Plus or Ctrl+Plus a few times, and let's say that we want to make the word "low" italic. The first place you should look at is the Character Styles panel. Obviously, it can't be paragraph style because we don't want the entire paragraph italic; we just want a subset of characters in that paragraph italic. So we are looking Character Styles. Is there an italic? No, there is not, unfortunately. So we can yell at our designer or in the meantime, we can just go ahead and make it italic. There is no I up here, a big…
