From the course: Pixel Playground

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Use Warp and paths in Photoshop to create an exploded page

Use Warp and paths in Photoshop to create an exploded page

From the course: Pixel Playground

Use Warp and paths in Photoshop to create an exploded page

- [Voiceover] This week, we're gonna do a little trick with some type. Now, it's not really the type that we're gonna be doing the trick to. It is gonna be type that I use but remember, it's not exactly what I'm doing, but how I'm doing it, 'cause the effect that I'm doing could be done with just about anything, a person's face or whatever you wanna do. Okay, so right now in my background, what I'm gonna do is just create a quick kind of a universe. Alright, so I'm gonna just go in there and invert it or it doesn't matter, I'm just gonna give it a lot of noise. So I'm gonna go in there and say Add Noise. Give it a lot of noise. Click OK. Blur it just a little bit. Little Blur More just to give you some more greys. So then I wanna go into my Levels and go in there and kind of really push these guys down, bring these guys back up here, just so I get a nice little star field. There we go. Bring up a few more little stars. There we go. Alright, so we got a nice little thing goin'. So now…
