From the course: Illustrator for Fashion Design: Drawing Flats

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Types of skirts and drapes

Types of skirts and drapes

- [Instructor] In this chapter we're going to talk about drawing skirts. Now skirts can be a little scary sometimes because the nature of drawing on the computer leads to straighter lines and the goal for a skirt is to make it look soft and flowy. So let's talk about how to create that shape first. The end of the skirt, or the hem of the skirt, first of all should always be a curve, the sweep is always curved, and it's always smiling. So remember your skirts should be happy. And the curve for fullness should never look like this. What this is is not the hem of the skirt, this is actually a clam shell. This is what the hem of the skirt should look like. It shouldn't look so curvy, it actually has different places where it sort of goes in and out. And the way that would look is these pieces here form cone shapes, so heading towards the top of this skirt we know exactly where to put these fullness lines, or drape lines, because there's actually a place for them. And that's the way the…
