From the course: Time-Saving Tips Using Illustrator

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Select objects

Select objects

- [Instructor] There are times in Illustrator when just selecting the elements that you wanna work with can be a bit of a challenge. Let me show you a few key methods that might help you with the process of selecting objects in your document. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna zoom in on the top of the state of California here to show you these elements here, these little chevrons that I'm gonna be working with. And you'll notice that if I click on one of them these are individual objects. And one method that is tried and true that you can use is just hold down the shift key using the selection tool you can shift+click, shift+click, and this basically allows you to just keep adding to your selection until you get all the objects that you're working with selected. And if I zoom out here you're gonna notice that I have a lot of those chevrons to select. So if I had my way, I'd prefer not to have to click on each and every one of them to get them selected. So let me show you another tool…
