From the course: Pixel Playground

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Red truck: Creating chrome headlight trim

Red truck: Creating chrome headlight trim

From the course: Pixel Playground

Red truck: Creating chrome headlight trim

This week we're going to continue on this particular piece, the red truck and see another aspect of how this thing was created. What I want to do this time is, I'm going to concentrate on this chrome part of the lamp right here with the reflections. So reflection here of the grill, and reflections here from trees, and some sky and the fender right here. Right here. So, we got here the file of the light, this is the original file, which has a lot of pieces, I have turned a lot of them off so we can just see the basic structures that we have here. Now way down here I have a blue disc. See, that's the outside part. It's going to be the rim. We look at just that and you see it's just a big circle with a little hole cut out where I put that little clamp. And, here there's this white one. Right here there's a white lamp. See, there's the lamp. Right behind it is a gray field which is just extending just a little beyond to give us that rim along the edge. So what I did is I created a couple…
