From the course: Illustrator CC 2017 One-on-One Fundamentals

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Getting smooth results from smooth points

Getting smooth results from smooth points - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Illustrator CC 2017 One-on-One Fundamentals

Getting smooth results from smooth points

- All right, so far everything we've drawn has involved corner points, which if nothing else, proves how extremely flexible corner points can be. But in this movie we're going to move on to smooth points. Specifically, we're going to draw the one element of this artwork that's exclusively comprised of smooth points, and that's the letter G. And it's a great exercise in drawing and positioning smooth points inside Illustrator. All right. So I'll go ahead and switch over to my illustration in progress here, and I'm going to create a new layer for the letters by Alt, or Option clicking on the little page icon at the bottom of the Layers Panel. And I'll go ahead and call this layer Letters and I'll change the color to Gold. And then I'll click Okay. All right, now what we want to do is zoom in on this second to last block, which is the one that contains the letter G, and we want to be able to see through all the other layers. And so we have one of two choices, one is to turn them off…
