From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory

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Creating warp tool shading

Creating warp tool shading

(swooshing) (gears turning) - [Instructor] Welcome to Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory. So many workflow methods I've adopted over the years and use on a daily basis were learned by watching others work, observing how they did things, and then cherry picking what I liked best, and from that point forward, using it in my own creative process. I think this type of printed minded gleaning is pretty normal for our industry and should be expected in the context of creativity. Now, the whole reason I'm telling you this is recently I was hanging out with my long-time friend and designer, Paul Howalt, and had a chance to sit next to him and watch him build a design in Illustrator. When he got to the shading part of his work I watched him use a methodology I've never seen before. So in this movie, I want to share with you how he handled shading, it's pretty clever. So, we're going to create this design you see in front of you. It is simply a bull driving (laughs). I try to make these themes…
