From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory

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Creating surface texture

Creating surface texture

(logo whooshing) (gear grinding) - [Instructor] Welcome to Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory. If you've been watching my DVG Lab movies for any period of time you've probably noticed that I love using textures in my vector based artwork. So in this movie we're going to create a texture resource we can then use in Illustrator. So let's get started. So this process is going to start in Photoshop because that's the ideal environment for creating textures that you can then use in Illustrator. Now this texture is the easiest of all textures. It's not even based off of the photograph which is a fun way to create a texture too. This one I just took an old toothbrush. Instead of throwing them away save them and you can use them to create textures with. So I just took this, dipped it in some watered down black acrylic paint, and just flicked it. This is a pretty flexible toothbrush so I could bend it back a little and then let go and it would speckle onto the paper and that's what I've done…
