From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory

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Creating with simple method

Creating with simple method

(dramatic swishing) (gears grinding) - [Instructor] Welcome to Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory. In this movie I'm going to use simple methods to create a graphic motif. I do this type of vector building hundreds and hundreds of times during the year, within the creative process of developing logo identity, iconography, and illustration. It's not complicated, so let's get started. I was working on a project, this goes back a while, over a year ago, and as I was drawing out thumbnails for this project, working out ideas, trying to conceptualize some concepts, in the midst of doing that at times, I'll just doodle, because my mind wanders. I doodled this little drawing of a top hat with kind of a rabbit coming out, but after I drew that, then I added the two eyes and nose, and I go, "God, that kind of looks like a skull." I kind of liked that idea. It's kind of cool, but I didn't have anything to use it for, so I cut it out, or ripped it out, that is, and taped it up in my office. I've…
