From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory

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Creating rounded corners

Creating rounded corners

- [Instructor] Welcome to Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory. Within my DVG Lab movies you've seen me use various plugins from Astute Graphics. This movie is to answer a few emails regarding rounding in Adobe Illustrator. So in this movie we're going to showcase and compare the native AI Corner Widget functionality with the Dynamic Corners tool plugin that I tend to use more frequently. So first we'll use the Corner Widget tool native to Illustrator. So right now I have it set up so that we're going to only use the Corner Widget to do some rounding and I want to show you how to do rounding in Illustrator. I should point out though before we even jump into it that Astute Graphics was offering rounding within Illustrator before Illustrator was, before Adobe was, and it was only after they did that that Adobe basically, I'll be nice and say it nicely, but really it's not too nice, they kind of ripped them off and implemented the same functionality, but in my opinion, just did not do that…
