From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory

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Creating organic texture

Creating organic texture

- [Instructor] Welcome to Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory. In this movie, we're gonna mix and match multiple methods to achieve an authentic texturized piece of artwork when it's all said and done, and to do so with some artistic flair as well. This is better demonstrated than explained, so let's jump into it. It all started with this rough sketch of this fish, and the artwork, the vector artwork that is, we're gonna create. We're not gonna use the pen tool, we're gonna use another tool in Illustrator called the Blob Brush, and it works very easily. So we're gonna go ahead and go to that, and you can find the Blob Brush under the Pen Tool right here. We'll click on it, and the way the Blob Brush tool works is you want to have a fill color, and we're gonna use this like magenta color because it's not being used in the final design. And right now, you can see some of the Blob Brush drawing I did already. We're gonna zoom in on one corner, and the way the Blob Brush works, let's…
