From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory

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Creating with masked textures

Creating with masked textures

- [Instructor] Welcome to Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory. I grew up in the beautiful pacific northwest in a small town called Olympia. Now Olympia is the state capital for Washington state. And Washington state's slogan is the evergreen state because it has a lot of lush, natural environments throughout the state. And close to where I grew up was a great natural preserve called the McLane creek nature trail. And we used to ride our bikes down to it and catch and release salamanders and frogs. It was just a lot of fun. And in this movie I want to create a promotional design for this nature preserve and capture its beautiful essence through the use of organic textures, so let's get started. This is going to a be a fun one. So this shows an actual photograph of McLane creek nature trail and the trail, like any kind of nature trail, kind of meanders through the woods, up the hill, so you get that. But the cool and unique part about this nature trail is part of that trail goes over the…
