From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory

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Creating with halftone shading

Creating with halftone shading

- [Instructor] Welcome to Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory. When I create content for the DVG Lab, I usually pick a subject matter that I'm passionate about. I do this because it makes the whole creative process easier and far more enjoyable. To facilitate this movie, I'm focusing on my love of all things science fiction, from old monster movies to what some have called space opera, and everything in between. I love this genre, and for this movie, I want to create a simplified illustration of the actor, Peter Cushing. Now, he's one of my favorite characters, not only when I was growing up, I used to watch the old monster movies with Dracula and Frankenstein, specifically, and those were great, but also some of my childhood memories are evolved around these characters from the science fiction movies that I really enjoyed growing up. So he's been one of my favorite characters for a very long time, and I decided it was worth doing. Now, whenever I approach a project like this, I try to…
