From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory

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Creating with found textures

Creating with found textures

(machinery grinding) - [Instructor] Welcome to Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory. In this movie I want to go over creating with found textures. Now, most of what I show you in my DVG Lab is vector-based, but in this movie I want to go over the use of using found textures in your creative projects. So before we jump into Illustrator, we're going to take a quick overview of creating a usable texture. Now, I prefer using raster-based images, specifically bitmap TIFF images to add texture to my vector art within Illustrator rather than image-tracing it. I find the authenticity of the final product is just a lot higher quality, it looks more real, and it's easier to manage than the thousands of stray anchor points that really can bloat down a file. So that's why I prefer using this methodology. Now, after you create a bitmap TIFF, you can image trace it if you want, I just don't find that process very useful, and the way it traces an image doesn't retain all the nice little artifacts that…
