From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory

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Creating formline art

Creating formline art

In this movie, we're going to creatively time-travel, that is, take a look at some specific artistic history and I'll share with you the same information that was taught to my illustration class in art school in 1986, This is going to be a fun topic, so let's jump into it. A lot of people don't know that but, in my opinion, I think the Seattle Seahawk logo is very authentic to the region it represents, unlike some other NFL logos you see out there, which don't make any sense whatsoever, like the, what is it, the Arizona Cardinals? Hello, there are no cardinals in Arizona but anyway, I love this artwork. I grew up with Pacific Northwest artwork all around me, it was really great, here's a modern interpretation of formline artwork on this wooden chest, which is just absolutely cool looking and here's a historic formline artwork on a wooden chest. This dates back quite a while back, this is about, this is over 100 years old here, but one thing about formline that we were taught by the…
