From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory

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Creating an engraved portrait

Creating an engraved portrait

(gears grinding) - [Instructor] Welcome to drawing vector graphics laboratory. I love following the work of other designers and illustrators I admire and respect, and one such creative is Peter Voth. He creates these amazing engraved-style artwork for his clients. I asked him if it would be okay to base a DVG Lab showcasing how one might approach this style and he graciously agreed. He not only agreed. He gave me a file so I could show you his style up close, and it's absolutely amazing, so let's go to key line view because you have to realize something up front. All of what you see are strokes. He's worked out this style and he's the master of this style where each of these elements is a stroke and he adjusts the weight to give that illusion of an engraved surface and I just think it's amazing how he's accomplished this and developed this style over the years, but let's take a look how it works into a final…
