From the course: Pixel Playground

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Blue Truck: Grill

Blue Truck: Grill

- The last couple of weeks, we've been looking at different parts of this truck and how it was created. What we're going to do with this week, is we're going to get real close on the grill here. Going to get in real close and see how the grill was created. There's all these little reflections going on in there, all these little highlights, and all that kind of stuff going through there. A little dirt and so on. So we're going to talk about the grill. So I have a file here, which is the actual file of the grill itself, every element is created in its own file. We see that right here in the layers panel. At the top we have grill_comp. Here, let's turn off grill_comp, looks like nothing happened, let's just see only the grill_comp. That is all the elements of the grill, which we see all the different layers and so on, that make up that grill. That made the overall comp, which was brought into the overall file of the truck. So we start looking at this and we see that the this is just a…
