From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory

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Artist at work: Big foot illustration

Artist at work: Big foot illustration - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory

Artist at work: Big foot illustration

- [Narrator] Welcome to Drawing Vector Graphics Laboratory. In this movie, we're gonna do an artist at work. I live in the Pacific Northwest, aka Land of Bigfoot, and this photo is from the original Patterson video and it was taken just south of the Oregon state border. And it appeared when I was a kid and was showcased, and it really fascinated me. Well, the theme Bigfoot is the theme we're gonna use to build our design today from. And you're gonna sit with me, looking over my shoulder as I build. Now, I'm not gonna do a whole lot of commentary. This is more about you observing the process because I have to get everything done pretty quickly. So I just want to jump into it. So this was the inspiration, Bigfoot. And that inspired this drawing. And once I have my drawing, I scan it in, place it on its own layer. In this case, I'll set it to 20%. I'll lock the layer. And then, we're gonna build above it. And I always use a graphic style of a magenta line. We'll go to the pen tool…
