From the course: Design the Web: Using Symbols in SVG

About the exercise files

- The exercise files for this course are available to all subscribers on the Online Training Library, and consist of two files: there's a symbols.html file, and a snippets.html. In the symbols.html... I'll open this up in a browser. This file consists of an SBG graphic that is in line, so that we can style elements with CSS. So here in the browser, you can see that I can also scale this up and down. It is completely resolution-independent. And if we open this html file up in a text editor, you'll see that the SBG is in line. We have a few styles at the top that control some of this. And if we scroll down, you can see all of the markup that's needed to create that background graphic. And the other file in the exercise files is the snippets.html file. This basically consists of a more complex path that we're gonna be using to replace simple artwork inside of our symbol with more complex artwork. So now that we're familiar with the exercise files, next we'll get started creating symbols inside of SBG.
