From the course: 5-Day Drawing Challenge: Communicating Through Drawing

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Day 2 challenge: Collaborative drawing

Day 2 challenge: Collaborative drawing

- Welcome to Day 2 of the 5-Day Drawing Challenge. Today's drawing challenge theme is Collaborative Drawing. Drawing and imaginative thinking are the dynamic duo for creativity, and we'll leverage the drawing of two individuals to produce one unique result in today's challenge. Here's how the challenge will work. you'll take a blank sheet of paper and simply draw on it, whatever you want. Don't worry about any theme, just draw anything that comes to mind. Once you have your initial drawing done, give your sheet to another person, and let them add to the drawing their own drawings. You'll pass this sheet back and forth during the course of the day, until you have the full sheet covered. Remember, there are no theme, or distinct rules, so let the other person's drawings inspire you to respond in ways you otherwise might not have thought of. This is the power of collaboration. You never know where it's going to go, so go with the flow and have fun. I look forward to seeing your…
