From the course: 5-Day Drawing Challenge: Drawing Inspiration

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Day 4 challenge: Drawing with shapes

Day 4 challenge: Drawing with shapes

- Welcome to Day 4 of the 5 Day Drawing Challenge. Today's drawing challenge theme is Drawing in Shapes. When most people think of drawing, they think of an image formed by drawn lines. But, drawing is flexible enough to carry forth a visual message without depending on the use of lines. For today's challenge, we're going to focus on drawing in a shape driven style that doesn't rely on lines to form the final artwork. Of course, the process of drawing shapes will initially use lines, but we'll be filling in the shapes with solid black. Let me show you an example of what I mean. I created this drawing of a bird using lines. Here is the same bird drawn using shapes. They're similar in the theme, but distinctly different in style. Your challenge is to pick one of the five themes listed or come up with your own theme, and create your artwork utilizing shapes only and not relying on lines. It could be a person enjoying coffee, strange floral arrangement, a whale eating ice cream, a car…
