From the course: Putting ITIL® into Practice: DevOps for ITIL® Practitioners

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Massive scale

Massive scale

- [Instructor] At the intersection of DevOps values and massive scale, sharing, the S in CAMS, is key. Scale by starting with a showcase you can replicate. Pick a showcase area to start with, and build an initial core competency. Start small and grow. Use a lean approach and pick apps and tools to start optimizing by value-stream mapping from the top down, and then leveraging practices discovered from the bottom up. You'll have to make sure each new initiative builds on this successful showcase and has repeatability and quality. Otherwise, you'll have a lot of little entrepreneurial experiments that don't add up and don't scale. The right place to start is the build pipeline, to rally around the pipeline and do scrappy little projects on it. For example, this iteration we might work on security checks. Next, we might work on governing standards, and later, minimal and exceptional practices. The DevOps principle that matters most at enterprise scale is systems thinking. Everyone in the…
