From the course: Introducing AI to Your Organization

What next?

- [Narrator] There are a couple of stages where an organization goes from building minimum viable products, to start getting good at AI. There's a strong support and focus from the management team, allowing the organization to build a high performing AI culture. And finally, the organization can use AI as a competitive advantage turning AI into an innovation strategy. This is where the true digital transformation and disruption happens. Organizations that adopt AI, go from predictive AI to prescriptive AI. The end goal for an organization, is to make AI so much a part of doing business that you don't think about it. If you were using E-mail in early 2000, I can guarantee you that you had to deal with spam E-mail on a weekly basis at the very least. When was the last time you had to deal with spam today? That's AI at work, learning every day what is spam and what isn't, and delivering only relevant E-mail to your inbox. Or, think about Google Maps. Do you get out a map and look up where you are going before you head off? Google Maps uses deep learning to improve map data, and we don't think about it, even though it's incredibly complex. Your challenge is to make AI commonplace and deeply rooted in your organization. If you're interested in getting into some of the technical details of AI, then these courses might help you get started. Neural Networks Essential Training and Deep Learning with OpenCV, gives you an introduction to using images and videos with Deep Learning. The Pandas Essential Training Course, will help you get started at querying your business data. The Apache PySpark by Example course, helps you to use Apache Spark big data platform. And finally, if you're looking at sharing work frequently with business stakeholders, or reproducing results from other data scientists, then Docker might be just what you're looking for. I hope you found this course useful. Thanks for watching, and I'd love to hear back from you and to connect via LinkedIn. Thank you and Soli Deo Gloria.
