From the course: Cisco CCNA (200-301) Cert Prep: 1 Network Fundamentals and Access

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Virtualization fundamentals

Virtualization fundamentals

- [Instructor] Modern server architecture is based on virtualization. This generally refers to the creation of virtual machines that operate like real standalone systems. The operating system of the virtual machines have been abstracted from the underlying hardware. This means that a hypervisor, or server running a virtualization platform, can run multiple virtual machines with Windows and Linux on the same physical server. Virtualization allows enterprises to shrink the number of physical servers required to operate their applications. Since virtual machines can share the resources of a single physical server, enterprises save money on physically purchasing servers, save money on maintaining that physical infrastructure, and can see savings in power utilization. Virtual environments can also clone or duplicate virtual machines easily for system testing and building. Most hypervisors also have the ability to create snapshots. This creates a snapshot of the system in time that can…
