From the course: Cisco CCNA (200-301) Cert Prep: 1 Network Fundamentals and Access

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Verify IP parameters on client devices

Verify IP parameters on client devices

- [Instructor] It seems that no matter how high on the ladder of success I climb, I will always end up walking someone through the same basic steps to find their IP, DNS servers, perform a ping or traceroute, and verify their ARP entry. The domain name system, or DNS, is a means to refer to an IP address via an easier-to-remember ASCII name. If I want to reach my personal web server, I can browse to it by memorizing the IP,, and typing it in, or I can simply browse to In essence, a client device will probe their configured DNS servers for resolution. The DNS server will then pass back the corresponding IP address, and then the client can continue along their way. I'll also check the cached entries in the Address Resolution Protocol table. When a device on the network wants to move down the OSI model, it must do a lookup to find out what MAC address at Layer 2 corresponds to what IP address at Layer 3. A device will send an ARP into the appropriate Layer 2…
