From the course: Security Tips

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Use two-factor authentication

Use two-factor authentication

From the course: Security Tips

Use two-factor authentication

- [Instructor] In this episode, I want to talk about two-factor, or multi-factor, authentication. Two-factor authentication has become widely used lately as companies and organizations want to help their users make their online accounts more secure. When you log into a site or app with two-factor authentication, instead of just using a password, this site requires a password and a code, which comes from a dedicated device. This method of using a separate piece of information in addition to your password is called two-factor because it involves two factors. But what is a factor? In the security world, authentication information, or information you'll use to tell a system it's you comes generally from three different sources. These kinds of information, or factors, are things you know, or knowledge factors, things you are, or inherent factors, and things you have, or possession factors. Things you know are pieces of information you've memorized. Your password is this kind of factor…
