From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-601) Cert Prep: 6 Cloud Security Design and Implementation

Study resources

- [Instructor] The courses on this site contain all of the information that you'll need to pass the Security+ exam. Now, I've worked with thousands of students over the years, and I've helped them successfully pass the exam. Along the way, I found that different people learn in different ways. And the best way to prepare for this test is to use a diverse set of resources. In addition to these video courses, there are three other study resources that I recommend to help you prepare for the exam. I've prepared each of them with you in mind to help you learn the Security+ material, prepare for the test, and pass the exam on your first try. First, David Seidl and I are the coauthors of the Sybex "Security+ Study Guide" published by John Wiley & Sons. This book covers the same material that I discuss in this course and serves as an excellent reference as you prepare for the exam. I highly recommend having a copy by your side as you study. Second, I prepared a "Security+ Practice Test" book that contains over a thousand practice test questions covering each of the Security+ domains, as well as four full-length practice tests to help you assess your knowledge. This book is available in both Kindle ebook and paperback forms. Finally, I also recommend that you visit my website at and sign up for my free Security+ study group. I'll send you emails to help keep you on track for the exam along with free practice tests, study tips, and other resources to get you ready for test day. If you visit now and click the Security+ link, you'll be able to sign up for my free study group. And I'll send you an email with links to all the resources that I recommend for the exam.
