From the course: Security Tips

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Scan for viruses and malware

Scan for viruses and malware

From the course: Security Tips

Scan for viruses and malware

- [Instructor] Viruses and malware are common threats for computers of all types. Both types of software have been around for decades, and they cause problems in different ways. Viruses are programs that cause damage, disruption, or other interruptions on a computer. Viruses can be spread by user action, such as by plugging a USB drive into an infected computer, or they can spread themselves often through a network, though many of the programs that spread themselves are called worms. They're also frequently attached to email files, often in documents that a user is expected to open like a Microsoft Office document, a PDF, a ZIP, or an executable program. Viruses in emails nowadays are often caught by email providers, which generally scan all the mail they process for viruses, in order to help prevent their spread. Viruses are sometimes used to help spread malware, and a slightly more dangerous category of software. Malware is short for malicious software. Malware usually needs to be…
