From the course: Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly

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Reviewing events

Reviewing events

- [Instructor] Windows is obsessive about taking notes, jotting down information about what's going on, what it does, and, for troubleshooting purposes, what's gone wrong. The place to observe these notes is the Event Viewer. So tap the Windows key on the keyboard to pop up the start menu and type Event Viewer or as much of it as is necessary until you see this item, and choose it. On the left side of this console window, choose Windows Logs. And to see what's happening with Windows, choose System. You see a list of items, each flagged at a level of attention. Information is for general notes. Warnings are for items that didn't go as expected but nothing seriously wrong. And then errors for potential problems. And I'll scroll down to find some interesting items. So here is a warning. And the message says the application didn't grant permissions or something. It's not a big deal, and it doesn't really affect anything…
