From the course: Learning Subnetting

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Public vs. private IPv4 communication

Public vs. private IPv4 communication

From the course: Learning Subnetting

Public vs. private IPv4 communication

- [Instructor] We have a crisis going on in the IP version 4 world and the crisis is this, we are out. I mean completely out of IP version 4 addresses. That used to be the case where you can go to your country's Internet Numbering Authority, and say, I would like a block of IP addresses for my company or for my university. I used to work at a university and back in the mid-90s we went to our Internet Numbering Authority and requested a block of IP addresses for the university and they gave us an entire Class B network. But as more and more people and organizations started coming on the internet, the available IP version 4 addressed was depleted to the point where we were out. You cannot go get a complete class of address from your internet service provider or your Internet Numbering authority. It's not going to happen. The good news is IP version 6 is coming to the rescue and that's going to have plenty of IP addresses for everybody on the planet. You can have many many many IP…
