From the course: Learning Subnetting

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Practice exercise #1

Practice exercise #1

- In this module we've taken a look at how to take a binary number and convert it to a decimal number. Then, we took a look at how to take a decimal number and convert it to the corresponding binary number. Now, let's do some practice. In this first practice exercise, we're going to be given a binary number of 01101011 and my challenge to you, is for you to calculate the corresponding decimal number. And I'd like you to do this in real time. I don't want you to just passively sit and watch the video. I encourage you right now to pause the video and work this out on your own scratch paper, and when you're done, resume the video and we'll go through the solution. Alright welcome back from your first practice exercise. And I hope I really am welcoming you back. I want you to get fully engaged with this, so if you haven't yet done the exercise, please please please pause the video right now actually do the exercise, and then come back. Alright now I'll assume you're back with me, and…
